
《傲慢与偏见》是一部由金镇民执导,崔振赫 / 白珍熙 / 崔民秀主演的一部剧情类型的电影,这里给大家整理了一些有关傲慢与偏见的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助。这次帅气的小编为您整理了傲慢与偏见电影观后感英文版(优秀6篇),在大家参照的同时,也可以分享一下给您最好的朋友。

电影傲慢与偏见观后感 篇1









傲慢与偏见电影观后感英文版 篇2

Free to think about watching some classic movies, one to kill time, two to enrich themselves, after all, is a classic, I want to see a look is very good for themselves, at least not out of date.

Look at the 1940 version, or black and white picture, see the movie to tell the truth and not the same as what the feeling of shock, but more impressive is the expression of the characters, inside is very rich, it is also a foreign better than Chinese, foreign movie actor expressions are very rich hyperbole, very feeling.

The film about an English town common squire family, home have five daughters, all is in the young period, so the squire's wife very try so hard to find a good husband for five daughters, however due to the oneself is in the middle class, family circumstances is not superior not fat dowry for his daughters, and gentry's wife is also very powerful, vain, So they were eager to find rich people. There happened to be two young men from London at Netherfield Park nearby. Both were handsome and rich, and the Coke had spoiled the squire's wife.

So he went home and tried to get the squire to visit the gentlemen. But the squire had already arranged to give them tickets to a ball, and the squire's wife went to the ball with her five daughters, all dressed up. At the ball one called bing gayle's rich took a fancy to the eldest daughter Jane at a glance, while another called rich darcy to bing gayle said don't like to such rude behavior middle class, just by Jane's sister Elizabeth heard these words, he has a deep prejudice on darcy, think he is too arrogant.

But it is precisely because Elizabeth is not like other women to darcy will compliment, it caused the darcy's attention and affection to him, began to pursue her, but he still can't completely put down his arrogant attitude, still USES a very arrogant attitude to pursue Elizabeth, thus cause the first proposal to Elizabeth refused without mercy, But as sister Lydia elopement with crowther, officers and darcy to Elizabeth letter tell crowther, officer of his personality, and show that their ideas, and then with the help of the darcy Lydia marry crowther, well, these things make Elizabeth changed the opinion of darcy, the last two shall be well, jack shall have Jill. The movie is about the relationship between the British middle class and the aristocracy, the arrogance of the aristocracy, the prejudice of the middle class, the movie is small, but it actually reflects the struggle between the two classes.

傲慢与偏见电影观后感英文版 篇3

After watching Pride and Prejudice, a romantic and beautiful movie, the biggest feeling I have is that "only love can make me get married", which is also the most classic sentence of the heroine in the play, and also a wise saying of Elizabeth. Pride and Prejudice is a film based on Jane Austen's novel of the same name and directed by Joe Wright. The film focuses on the beautiful Elizabeth's prejudice against Mr. Darcy because of his arrogant attitude. After all sorts of twists and turns, finally bury the hatchet, come together story. The film revolves around the Bennett family, showing the heroine's unique view of love in a society where money is the main reference for marriage. At the same time, in the film, there are Elizabeth's sisters and friends of marriage, as a foil, more highlighted the theme of the film.

First of all, the key plot of the film and the psychological and emotional changes of the characters are very accurate. Especially in the film, Elizabeth's biggest psychological change is when she is staring at the statue of Mr. Darcy. From Elizabeth's expression to her answer to her aunt's question (" Mr Darcy is very handsome, isn't he?" She says, "Yes") accurately showing her changing opinion of Darcy. This place was the turning point of a subtle change in her mental and emotional state, from her aversion to her attachment to Mr. Darcy. Of course, there are many other good scenes, for example, when Elizabeth dances with Darcy. I won't list them all here.

Secondly, the background music of the film and the location of the film are also a highlight of the film. Elegant piano music, playing a leisurely life, subtle changes in feelings, beautiful scenery and so on. When Elizabeth walked alone on the vast and beautiful grassland of England with a book, it not only showed the original natural scenery of England, but also highlighted Elizabeth's psychological yearning for freedom. Filmed in England, the film presents some of the finest manor houses in England, from north to south. The music and the scenery complement each other. This is a key to the success of the film.

In the end, the overall feeling of the film is relatively flat, without intense scenes. Even in the climax, it doesn't feel like much. However, but did not give a person boring feeling, but more and more by taste. Such films are worthy of our repeated enjoyment. Because every time I look at it, it feels different.

傲慢与偏见读后感 篇4




运势是奇特的,你始终不清楚日常生活即将产生哪些,生活就是日常生活,你要那样,可它偏要是那般。人的手掌心太小了,握不了它意外惊喜和损害,仅仅听由它倾盆而成。所以说,大家每一个人确实必须勇气来面对风言风语。勇气决不是欲望,只是追梦者对将来对理想化的一种执着。或许你曾经历这种感觉:偌大的全球你孤独地向前,丢掉了符合自身的理想化而看起来空空荡荡,你觉得自身也要孤独地站好长时间,认为即使丢掉了整个世界也仍然能够 稳定地存活。这时候,想一想达西,想一想他的勇气,或许就该了解如何去干了。



傲慢与偏见电影观后感英文版 篇5

Having a computer has added to the misery of life, that is, the computer suddenly freezes or cuts off in the middle of writing. This happened last night, when I was writing a blog post of the same name, the power went out. However, I am confident to write a second time.

Last night was the third time I saw Pride and Prejudice. The second time was sometime last year, and the first time was at school when the whole class watched it together, which was two or three years ago.

The reason why I like this movie is the beauty and love itself.

Elizabeth and her sister are beautiful. Her sister's voice, in particular, was quite graceful and gentle, especially when she was called Lydia.

When I was in school, I translated a sentence, which always reminds me, because it is very interesting. In Chinese, it means "dust in long skirt, charm in short skirt". I especially like the long skirts in Pride and Prejudice in the 21st century. They are long and flowing.

Elizabeth is beautiful when she laughs, beautiful when she talks with connotation, beautiful in her personality.

The scenery in the movie is also a big highlight, the original fields, trees...

There are some wonderful lines about love and life, such as people in love are fools, she doesn't seem to like him, pride and prejudice, tell me how you feel when you have five children and so on. I believe we all have our own experiences or opinions about these.

What else happens in real life? Perhaps, I have had such prejudice, perhaps, will have such arrogance in the future?

Because I really like Elizabeth in the film, I went to Baidu Baike to see her information after reading it. Her name is Keira Knightley. To my surprise, she was a little younger than me. It was March 26, '85. Same birthday as the one I like. It was my fault because when I first saw it I thought it was a long time ago, but now I know it was made in 2005.

Anyway, I love Pride and Prejudice, and I still read it occasionally.

《傲慢与偏见》读后感[800字]优秀作文 篇6






