Whatever the past, but no matter how the future will be, we should have noreason to let oneself become a commonplaces doing nothing. Every failure inrevealing, we actually not far from success, our dream will not take long todeliver period also, the key is whether we decided to make a people fly higher.Every consciousness awakening, in to enrich our spiritual world, we should learnfrom infinite strength, to break through the traditional set of deeply ashamedto transcend self, to become a strive to rise in the often hurt often war.
May have been disappointed, but you should go to believe that "life is fullof hope, a former routing I create".
Perhaps once frustrated, but should go to adhere to the "package to shamewho shame is a man...... return unknown".
Life may have in debt to us, but you should go to stick to "the dreams ofthe beautiful" of tomorrow.
New era of rapidly changing, don't be in pain cannot extricate oneself,with its self-imposed torture and towards perdition, less strenuous work,actively strive for and pursue their desire for things. At any time, all want tostick to the dream, adhere to the principle, believe yourself, only in this waycan let oneself fly higher. "Children in sichuan yue: the dead Ruth's husband!Working round." We will try to spend more time trying to, rather than thedestruction of the past, not to mention to lazy to look for any excuse yourself,because "an inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch oftime", what we want to establish yourself to become a man, at the same timeestablish life ideal.
One thing we need to know, can only be proud winner says, "the sky leave notrace, but I am glad I have had my flight." So, as we failed, or is working butnot successful people, we want to achieve your dream, you must know how I shoulduse gesture to fly.
It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow。 Lives are nodifferent。
There happiness and sorrow。 There the good and the bad; dark and brightspots duanwenw。 。If we can handle adversity, it only strengthens us。 We cannotcontrol all the events that happen in our lives, but we can decide how we dealwith them。
Richard Blechnyden wanted to promote Indian tea in the St。 Lou World Fairin 1904。 It was very hot and no one wanted to sample h tea。 Blechnyden saw thatall the other iced drinks were doing flourhing business。 It dawned on him tomake h tea into an iced drink, mix in sugar and sell it。 He did and people lovedit。 That was the introduction of iced tea to the world。
When things go wrong ,as they sometimes will, we can react responsibly orresentfully。
Human beings are not like an acorn which has no choice。 duanwenw。 An acorncannot decide whether to bee a giant tree or to bee food for squirrels。 Humanbeings have choices。 If nature gives us a lemon, we have a choice: either cryfor grace or make lemonade。
It's just the same with the financial storm。 The cr like a lemon, now wehave a choice: either cry for bitterness or weather the storm with confidenceand courage。
You are where you are。 Accept it and feel the power your acceptance givesyou to move forward。
This moment is as it is。 Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedomof not having to fight against it。
There are difficult challenges in your life。 Accept them and feel theenergy that will enable you to rise above them。
Accept that this is your starting point。 Instead of placing judgements onit, see the real, positive value that’s already yours。 You cannot change whereyour past priorities_ and choices have brought you。 Yet you can make use of thewisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasureddreams。
Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been, what you’ve done, what youhave and where you are。 For you can now transform it all into what you most wishto be。
Perhaps, long process makes us feel tired, but we should have enoughpatience, after all we have in society the VAT struggled for so long. Thinkabout the past, we tried many kinds of excruciating humiliation, encounteredmany times cheating heart ached and embarrassment of discrimination, to breakthe how many times an injustice and despair of difficulties and setbacks, howmany liters of hot tears shed, spent much of her door to the state of mind, howmuch tired out body self... Some in the past cannot be calculated, but in withwan "fear statutes are the most happy" truth, we pay too much too much, thusforging a strong heart.
"People say heaven is good, the fairy music. Behind the success of tears?The fairy people did, uniting the spares no pains. In practise, fruit to fix itwas." With the fruits of their labor for, will always be sweet; To fly on hisown life, is always bright.
Someday, we will find the ideal of life, to find a truly belong to our ownsky. But before that, please shout loudly in the big time: I want to flyhigher.
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